Homer Index Obituary Announcements
Obituaries may be submitted by copying the form below and pasting into an email or printing it and filling it out and returning to [email protected], or brought to our office at 119 W. Main Street in Homer, or mailed to PO Box 236, Homer MI 40245-0236. Obituaries may be personalized to include additional information.
Once the information has been received, you will be contacted by email or phone regarding the price of the obituary. A good quality picture is included in the price (dark backgrounds do not reproduce well).
Payment is expected at the time of placement and may be made by cash or check, or debit or credit card.
- Name, age and last city and state of residence of the deceased:
- Date and place of death:
- Date and place of birth:
- Parents (and their residence, if living):
- Schooling information:
- Marriage information - Name of spouse, date and place of marriage
- Occupation/former occupation:
- Hobbies, pastimes, church and/or civic affiliations:
- Survivors, their relationship and city and state of residence:
- Predeceased relatives and their relationship to the deceased:
- Time and place of visitation (if any):
- Time and place of service/officiant:
- Funeral home (include city) in charge of arrangements:
- Burial time and place:
- Any other information you'd like to include:
- Name, email address, and telephone number of person supplying this information (This must be included or item will not be printed):
Once the information has been received, you will be contacted by email or phone regarding the price of the obituary. A good quality picture is included in the price (dark backgrounds do not reproduce well).
Payment is expected at the time of placement and may be made by cash or check, or debit or credit card.
- Name, age and last city and state of residence of the deceased:
- Date and place of death:
- Date and place of birth:
- Parents (and their residence, if living):
- Schooling information:
- Marriage information - Name of spouse, date and place of marriage
- Occupation/former occupation:
- Hobbies, pastimes, church and/or civic affiliations:
- Survivors, their relationship and city and state of residence:
- Predeceased relatives and their relationship to the deceased:
- Time and place of visitation (if any):
- Time and place of service/officiant:
- Funeral home (include city) in charge of arrangements:
- Burial time and place:
- Any other information you'd like to include:
- Name, email address, and telephone number of person supplying this information (This must be included or item will not be printed):